West Point Alumni Glee Club
"No fun without music; no music without fun!"
Rehearsal Aids
WPAGC Rehearsal Aids (Updated (10-15-2024)
Recent Rehearsals Link Thanks to Chuck Nichols effort, we have now posted song by song rehearsals for your use.
We are currently transitioning to a much more robust capability to assist our club members in their pursuit of "musical perfection" by personal rehearsal. Actually we just want you to have fun singing and feeling like you are prepared when you cannot get to actual rehearsals. However, there is no substitute for rehearsing "live" with your fellow warrior singer under the baton of our talented Artistic Director, Nancy Riley.
We are consolidating all rehearsal aids in this one webpage that is now, of necessity, secured. Below you will find a "Rehearsal Aids Menu" that is designed to quickly link you to: Self-Rehearsal Exercises (in general), New Song Introductions and Aids, and Our Repertoire. Once you click on a particulary piece that is listed you will be directed to a location where you can obtain the SHEET MUSIC, REHEARSAL TRACKS (by part), REHEARSAL RECORDING and DIRECTION VIDEOS Direction Rehearsal Videos (And if you wish, the accompaniment recording we use in performance).
Virtual Rehearsal Instructions:
1. Date/Time: All dates for rehearsals at Lord of Life Church in F are published on the "Rehearsals Lord of Life Church" page. We have had relatively good experience with doing a Zoom session during both the Loose Cannons rehearsals (1730 to 1830) and the full club rehearsals for those who need to join remotely. PLEASE JOIN US! USE THE UPDATED LINK BELOW!
a. Loose Cannons: Normal rehearsal time from 1730 to 1830 (every week now in person at St Agnes)
b. WPAGC Joins the Loose Cannons at 1830 to rehearse together until 2030. ALL USE THE SAME UPDATED LINK BELOW.
2. Link: Google Meet Link
3. Sheet music and other aids can be found on the "Rehearsal Aids" page on left hand side menu of our website. It is protected so you need to be logged in to access OR use the system password WPAGC after you scroll down to the bottom.
4. Playlist (In Order): Nancy's preferred order (subject to change)
Published by email but you can figure out what is likely to be rehearsed by reviewing the programs for upcoming performances.
5. Rehearsal Discipline:
a. We have found it difficult to specifically identify the songs we will rehearse at any one session. The best advice for you is to arrange your songbook in alphabetical order and include all the repertoire provided on this page. This will insure ability to quickly move to the next song and to insure we are all using the same versions.
b. Please DO NOT use video. We will provide video of Nancy/Russ directing and Chuck will field any problems or questions you would like to relay to the director.
c. PLEASE insure you put your name into the profile so we know who is who.
d. CRITICAL: Most of the time you should be in the habit of MUTING, because even background noise is picked up and transmitted, resulting in audio chaos. When singing it is VITAL you MUTE. Mute is on the left hand side of the bottom menu bar with the microphone icon.
d. INTERACTION: Chuck Nichols (on occasion others) will be hosting the rehearsal. There is a CHAT function on the Zoom menu bottom menu bar. If you have a question, please use the chat function and Chuck will provide the questions to Nancy at the end of each song. You can also provide "silent" reactions such as raising your hand, agreeing (clapping) etc. Access to the reactions are also provided on the bottom menu bar.
Rehearsal Aids Menu
Nancy's Self-Rehearsal Exercises
- (Ghost) Riders In the Sky (GRITS)
- Technical Introduction Notes
- GRITS Introduction Video
- Part Tracks/Sheet Music/Accompaniment
- Sectional Videos (TBP)
- Direction Video (TBP)
- This Is My Country (TIMC) To be published
- TIMC Introduction Video
- Part Tracks/Sheet Music/Accompaniment
- Sectional Videos (TBP)
- Direction Video (TBP)
- Alma Mater (AM)
- An Army Medley (AAM)
- Armed Forces Medly (AFM)
- America (My Country Tis of Thee) MCTOT)
- America The Beautiful (with I Am the Nation narration) (ATB)
- Army Blue (AB)
- Army Goes Rolling (AGR)
- Benny Havens (BH)
- Battle Hymn of the Republic (BHR)
- Blue and Gray (Civil War Medley) (B&G)
- Boys of the Blue and Gray (BBG)
- Danny Boy (Fitzgerald) (DB)
- Drunken Sailor (DS)
- Eat, Drink and Beat Navy (EDBN)
- Eternal Father (EF)
- (Ghost) Riders In The Sky (GRIT
- God Bless the USA (GBTUSA)
- God Bless America (GBA)
- Grand Old Flag (GOF)
- Johnny Vet (JV)
- Johnny Vet Finale (JVR)
- Leaders For Our Nation (LFON)
- Let There Be Peace On Earth (LTBPOE)
- Longest Day (LD)
- Mansions of the Lord (MOTL)
- Men of Freedom (MOF)
- Men of Harlech (MOH)
- Navy Blue and Gold (NB&G)
- On Brave Old Army Team (OBOAT)
- Parting Glass (PG)
- POW Hymn (POW)
- Semper Supra (SS) Official Space Force Song
- Shenandoah (SHEN)
- Star Spangled Banner (SSB)
- Star and Stripes Forever (SSF)
- Testament of Freedom (TOF)
- The Corps (TC)
- This Is My Country (TIMC)
- This Is My Song (TIMS)
- This Land Is My Land (TLIML)
- Vietnam Medley (VNM)
- West Point At Thy Call (WPATC)
- West Point Fight Song Medley (WPFSM)
- Wild Rover (WR)
- World War I Medley (WWI)
- World War II Medley (L) (WWII)
1. To obtain the sheet music: Right click on the sheet music link. A drop down menu will be provided. Use "Save target as . . . " to save the file to a location on your computer. From that location you will be able to print the music locally. *** We cannot provide better advice than this, sorry, as computers are all different.
2. To obtain a "learning track" for your part of the piece: Right click on the part link in the table that you want. Again, a drop down menu will be provided. Use "Save target as . . ." to save the file. *** We recommend you save ALL sheet music, rehearsal tracks and direction videos in the same location for ease of use. Over time we will be adding rehearsal tracks for each part for each of our pieces in our repertoire. Each track has the underlying accompaniment (unless a cappella) with a piano playing in a louder mode so you can hear the part against the accompaniment.
3. Rehearsal Recordings: When we have an audio recording available, it will be posted with the music link. These "rehearsal recordings" are made often. We have found them useful to sing along with when learning our parts and lyrics. Many of us use the rehearsal tracks and rehearsal recordings via "smart phone (via our WPAGC app)" or even on a CD while traveling. *** Use the same technique as in 1 and 2, to save the rehearsal recording files to your computer as you wish.
4. To obtain a "Direction Video": We will be providing "rough" video files for each of the songs so you can see Nancy Riley directing us for a specific song. The intent is to allow you to see Nancy's directorial style, hand movements, tempo etc. """ A caution: The videos may not contain the best audio recording due to time, equipment and location but are serviceable short of "live rehearsal."
The files are stored at this link: Direction Rehearsal Videos
Clicking on the above link will take you to a file folder containing the available videos. Here the technique is slightly different. Click on the video you want. Choose "download" and a dialog bar will appear along the bottom of your screen. Use the "save as" or "save and open" functions to put the video file on your computer as you wish.
SORRY, if you do not see the musical piece listed here, we have not yet brought it to this webpage. If you need it, contact me by email and I'll see if I can help. tcryan@i2xllc.com
Alma Mater (AM) We sing the new words, to wit, "thine own aright" vice "thy sons aright."
First Tenor | Second Tenor | Baritone | Bass | TTBB |
Tenor I | Tenor II | Baritone | Bass | TTBB |
Sheet Music |
Rehearsal Recording |
Accompaniment |
Alma Mater (Undated) | Alma Mater w/Chimes | A cappella |
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An Army Medley (AAM) Variations include
First Tenor | Second Tenor | Baritone | Bass |
Sheet Music |
Rehearsal Recording |
Accompaniment |
An Army Medley (9-14-13) | AAM1 AAM2 |
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Armed Forces Medley (AFM) There are two versions in this sheet music, a short version (S) with only a single verse of Army Goes Rolling and the long version (L) that includes all verses of Army Goes Rolling.
First Tenor | Second Tenor | Baritone | Bass |
Sheet Music |
Rehearsal Recording |
Accompaniment |
Armed Forces Medley (9-7-2012) | 11-5-2012 |
AFM short AFM Long |
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America (My Country Tis of Thee) (MCTOT) This song is used to accompany the poem "American Warrior)
Sheet Music |
Rehearsal Recording |
Accompaniment |
America (4/13/2013 | 7/10/2017 | A cappella |
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Sheet Music |
Rehearsal Recording |
Narration | Accompaniment |
America the Beautiful 01/31/2020 | Narration | A cappella |
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Army Blue (AB) First verse in unison; second and subsequent verses are parts. We sing Army Blue a cappella. "To the ladies . . . " and a new verse honoring spouse and family, have been added to the sheet music in preparation for our trip to Ireland and the Fall concert schedule.
Sheet Music |
Rehearsal Recording |
Accompaniment |
Army Blue (5-25-18) |
Army Blue | Accomp First Verse (6-3-22) |
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Sheet Music |
Rehearsal Recording |
Accompaniment |
Last part of AFM | Army Song Short |
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The Boys of the Blue and Gray (BBG)
Sheet Music |
Voice Tracks |
Accompaniment |
BBG (Artificial Voices |
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Battle Hymn of the Republic (BHR)
First Tenor | Second Tenor | Baritone | Bass |
Sheet Music |
Rehearsal Recording |
Accompaniment |
BHR (9-14-2017 | BHR Accomp 2/21/2022 |
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Blue and Gray (Civil War Medley) (B&G)
First Tenor | Second Tenor | Baritone | Bass |
Sheet Music |
Rehearsal Recording |
Accompaniment |
Blue and Gray (10/8/2017) | Rehearsal Recording 2017 | B&G |
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First Tenor | Second Tenor | Baritone | Bass |
BHT1 | BHT2 | BHB1 | BHB2 |
Sheet Music |
Rehearsal Recording |
Accompaniment |
Benny Havens (2/15/2018) | None - A cappella |
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First Tenor | Second Tenor | Baritone | Bass |
Tenors | Bass/Baris |
Sheet Music |
All Parts |
Accompaniment |
Danny Boy (Medley) | All parts |
NOTE: The first notes in the rehearsal tracks are the notes of the preceding song in the medley.
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First Tenor | Second Tenor | Baritone | Bass |
DST1 | DST2 | DSB1 | DSB2 |
Sheet Music |
Rehearsal Recording |
Accompaniment |
Drunken Sailor (4/12/2018 | None - A cappella |
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Eat, Drink and Beat Navy (EDBN)
NOTE: We now have two musically corrected versions of EDBN, both are the same song and accompaniment just with different lyrics. One lyrics version is denoted "Concert" and is used at the end of concerts and the "basses are loaded." The second version denoted "Corps/Alumni" is able to be used when singing for West Point groups of grads and/or cadets. To the right of the table is a document with just the lyrics for the "Corps/Alumni" version if you already know your musical parts.
First Tenor | Second Tenor | Baritone | Bass |
Sheet Music |
Rehearsal Recording |
Accompaniment |
9/21/2010 Fair | 11/4/2013 |
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First Tenor | Second Tenor | Baritone | Bass |
EFT1 | EFT2 | EFB1 | EFB2 |
Sheet Music |
Rehearsal Recording |
Accompaniment |
Eternal Father (6/3/2013) | Eternal Father | Eternal Father |
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First Tenor | Second Tenor | Baritone | Bass |
Sheet Music |
Rehearsal Recording |
Accompaniment |
GBTUSA (12/16/12) | Rehearsal (2/5/2017) | Accomp |
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First Tenor | Second Tenor | Baritone | Bass |
Sheet Music |
Rehearsal Recording |
Accompaniment |
GBA (10/19/2013) |
God Bless America | A cappella |
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First Tenor | Second Tenor | Baritone | Bass |
Sheet Music |
Rehearsal Recording |
Accompaniment |
Rehearsal Recording w/band | Accomp Only |
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First Tenor | Second Tenor | Baritone | Bass |
Sheet Music |
Rehearsal Recording |
Accompaniment |
JV (9-13-17) | Rehearsal 11/18/2017 | JV 10/19/2019 |
PR Revival Guitar Track PR Rides Again Track
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First Tenor | Second Tenor | Baritone | Bass |
Sheet Music |
Rehearsal Recording |
Accompaniment |
JVR (10-5-17) | JVR Rehearsal 2017 | JVR 10/19/2019 |
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First Tenor | Second Tenor | Baritone | Bass |
Sheet Music |
Rehearsal Recording |
Accompaniment |
LFON 11-5-2016 | 2009 (Reference Recording) | A cappella |
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Let There Be Peace On Earth (LTBPOE)
First Tenor | Second Tenor | Baritone | Bass |
Sheet Music |
Rehearsal Recording |
Accompaniment |
LTBPOE (4/29/2019 Nancy's Notes) | None: A cappella |
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Tenors | Baritones/Basses | ||
Tenors | Baritones and Basses |
Sheet Music |
Rehearsal Recording |
Accompaniment |
LD (01/24/2015 | Rehearsal Recording (Undated) | LD Accomp |
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First Tenor | Second Tenor | Baritone | Bass |
Sheet Music |
Rehearsal Recording |
Accompaniment |
Mansions (4/15/2018) | Mansions of the Lord | Trumpet Intro |
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Men of Freedom (MOF) Note: Music is the same as Men of Harlech
First Tenor | Second Tenor | Baritone | Bass |
Sheet Music |
Rehearsal Recording |
Accompaniment |
MOF (3-23-2008) | MOF Accomp |
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First Tenor | Second Tenor | Baritone | Bass |
Sheet Music |
Rehearsal Recording |
Accompaniment |
MOH (01/30/2019) | MOH Accomp |
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First Tenor | Second Tenor | Baritone | Bass |
Sheet Music |
Rehearsal Recording |
Accompaniment |
NB&G (undated) | NB&G Band Accomp |
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On Brave Old Army Team (OBOAT)
First Tenor | Second Tenor | Baritone | Bass |
Sheet Music |
Rehearsal Recording |
Accompaniment |
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First Tenor | Second Tenor | Baritone | Bass |
PGT1 | PGT2 | PGB1 | PGB2 |
Sheet Music |
Rehearsal Recording |
Accompaniment |
Parting Glass (3/30/2018) | PG (5-14-18) | None - A cappella |
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First Tenor | Second Tenor | Baritone | Bass |
Sheet Music |
Rehearsal Recording |
Accompaniment |
POW Hymn (3/17/2015) | POW Accomp |
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(Ghost) Riders In The Sky (GRITS)
First Tenor | Second Tenor | Baritone | Bass |
Sheet Music |
Rehearsal Recording |
Accompaniment |
Riders In The Sky (3-14-2020) | GRITS Accomp |
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First Tenor | Second Tenor | Baritone | Bass |
Unison For Now | Unison For Now | Unison For Now | Unison For Now |
Sheet Music |
Rehearsal Recording |
Accompaniment |
Vocal Sample | Instrumental Accomp |
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First Tenor | Second Tenor | Baritone | Bass |
Sheet Music |
Rehearsal Recording |
Accompaniment |
Shenandoah (1/13/14) | 10/15/18 | A cappella |
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Sheet Music |
Nationals Recording |
Accompaniment |
Star Spangled Banner (Legacy) LYRICS | SSB at Nationals | A cappella |
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Stars And Stripes Forever (SSF)
Sheet Music |
Rehearsal Recording |
Accompaniment |
Stars and Stripes 8-7-12 |
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To Be Added | TOF(S)T2 | To Be Added | To Be Added |
Sheet Music |
Rehearsal Recording |
Accompaniment |
TOF (3/6/2017) | Rehearsal 10/11/2017 | Band Accompaniment |
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Sheet Music |
Rehearsal Recording |
Accompaniment |
The Corps (9/27/2013 | The Corps | None - A cappella |
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First Tenor | Second Tenor | Baritone | Bass |
Sheet Music |
Rehearsal Recording |
Accompaniment |
This Is My Country (3-14-2020) | TIMS Accomp |
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This Is My Song (Finalandia) (TIMS)
First Tenor | Second Tenor | Baritone | Bass |
Sheet Music |
Rehearsal Recording |
Accompaniment |
TIMS (8/2/2013) | Rehearsal 2014 | A cappella |
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This song is a sing along with a video (file it too big for this site). There is no sheet music.
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Section 1 has "Where Have All the Flowers Gone" and "Aquarius"
Section 2 has "Last Train to Clarksville," "Leavin' On A Jet Plane" and "Ballad of the Green Berets" This section starts at measure 182
Section 3 is "Bridge Over Trouble Water (BOTW)" sometimes sung as a standalone piece; starts at measure 359 in the sheet music)
Section 1 | Section 2 | Section 3 | |
T1 (First Tenor) |
S1T1 | S2T1 | S3T1 |
T2 (Second Tenor) |
S1T2 | S2T2 | S3T2 |
B1 (Baritone/Bass 1) |
S1B1 | S2B1 | S3B2 |
B2 (Bass) | S1B2 | S2B2 | S3B2 |
Sheet Music |
Rehearsal Recording |
Accompaniment |
Vietnam Medley Sheet Music (1/29/16) |
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West Point At Thy Call (WPATC) Performed in unison as an ending song.
First Tenor | Second Tenor | Baritone | Bass |
Sheet Music |
Rehearsal Recording |
Accompaniment | Lyrics |
WPATC July 2023 | WPATC | WPATC | Lyrics, old and new |
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West Point Fight Song Medley (WPFSM) All the fight songs we sing are found here.
Sheet Music | Rehearsal Recording | Accompaniment | ||
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Wild Rover (WR) Performed with solo leads and audience participation. Usually as a marchon after the "musical interlude."
Sheet Music |
Rehearsal Recording |
Accompaniment |
None | Wild Rover |
First Tenor | Second Tenor | Baritone | Bass |
Sheet Music |
Rehearsal Recording |
Accompaniment |
World War I Medley (11/4/16) | 7-19-17 | WWI Accomp |
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First Tenor | Second Tenor | Baritone | Bass |
Sheet Music |
Rehearsal Recording |
Accompaniment |
World War II Medley (08/23/2012) | Rehearsal (Undated) | Accomp 8/23/12 |
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