West Point Alumni Glee Club
"No fun without music; no music without fun!"
Installation Security Access
For those who need access to military installations (eg Fort Myer) where we sing and who do not have a military ID card, the information on this web page may be of help. The information was kindly provided by Don Byrne '63.
Don's Instructions:
Instructions for Completing the Joint Base Myer/ Henderson Hall Installation Access Form
Fellow WPAGC members:
As you all know, our club members have regularly needed to access the Fort Myer post to perform Honor Sings and other events for memorial services at the chapels and in conjunction with graveside services at Arlington Cemetery. Access to the post, given increased security and delays since 9/11, has not been a problem for DOD cardholders and their dependents, but continues to be an issue for those non-cardholders, as well as their spouses, significant others and children over the age or 18 who need timely access to the post to participate in our events. There is now a fairly easy way for this group to apply for and obtain photo-enhanced visitor ID cards for themselves and family members, etc. These passes are good for up to a year and they should generally allow the pass holder(s) to bypass the often time-consuming, security inspections at the Hatfield Gate of Fort Myer. There is a three-page application form involved, and the form is included on the Club website along with these instructions under the link entitled Installation Security Access. This note is to guide you through completion of the form and to provide you with info on the location and hours for the Fort Myer Visitor Control Center (the VCC).
Information on the Fort Myer VCC
Location: close to the Hatfield Gate in Building 5007 on the post; ask the gate guard for directions. This gate is just off of Washington Boulevard in Arlington not far from the on-ramps to US Route 50.
VCC Phone number: 703-696-0185
Hours of operation: Monday-Friday 0600-1900; Saturdays 0900-1500.
Form to be completed: JBMHH Form 190-16X, Installation Access Request
Guidelines for completion of the application form:
You (or your spouse, SO or child age 18 and over) will need to complete sections A and C of the form; and to assist your intended sponsor (see below) in completing section D of the form. You may either complete the form online or by printing a copy and filling it out by hand.
Section A, Visitor Applicant Information (items 1-13):
The items are generally self-explanatory except for:
Item 11, Applicant Category- check Volunteer
Item 12, Requested Duration of Access (dates)- complete this during your visit to the VCC; you should request access for a full year, for example, 9/1/2019 to 8/31/2020.
Item 13- enter something like “Member (or spouse, etc.) of West Point Alumni Glee Club; regularly need to perform at events at Fort Myer”; or simply “Member (spouse, etc.) of West Point Alumni Glee Club”.
Section B, Contractor Information-- SKIP
Complete Section C (printed name, signature, date)
Section D, Sponsor Information:
Per discussion with a member of the VCC staff, you as a WPAGC applicant (or spouse, SO or child age 18 or older) can request anyone in the WPAGC who is an active-duty service member or retiree with a valid DOD ID card to complete this section of the form and sign it as your sponsor. For your own convenience, have your sponsor do so before you take the form to the VCC for completion of the form and taking of your photo. If your sponsor is not on active duty or a DOD civilian or COR, he/she can skip items 7-10 of section D.
Next Steps:
To complete the application process, you must take your virtually completed form with a photo ID such as a driver’s license or passport to the VCC, have your photo taken and complete your form. You will most likely receive your new visitor pass on this same visit to the VCC unless there are any unforeseen delays relating to background checks, etc.
Remember also that you will need to return to the Fort Myer VCC in person to renew your one-year pass before its expiration date. Renewal by mail, email or telephone is not currently permitted.
If you have any questions on any of the above, please call the Fort Myer VCC at the phone number shown above.
Instructions (These are detailed instructions for filling out the form)
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